ON-Island Higher Education Opportunities
Have your plans changed for 2020/21? Are you now thinking of staying in Jersey?
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year is looking very different to any that has come before. We understand that this may be an unsettling time for many students. If you have been offered a place to study in the UK for next academic year, you may be wondering how the current situation will affect your studies, whether you should defer your offer for a year, or even if you should re-think your options.
At University College Jersey (UCJ) we have been helping students with their next steps post-A level (or Level 3 equivalent qualification) for decades, so let us offer you some certainty in these uncertain times.
What’s next for school leavers?
We believe that there is no such thing is a standard pathway to success, which is why we offer a range of Higher Education opportunities (including degrees, foundation options and higher apprenticeships) to support you as you transform your life.
How will you be taught in 2020/21
We believe that in order to succeed, students need to feel connected. For this reason we have planned for 50% contact time and 50% online delivery, in this way we can guarantee face to face contact for students on site, while minimising social contact.
The University Experience
Although there will be changes to the way in which UCJ operates during the pandemic, we will work hard to ensure that you enjoy a full student experience, while adhering to government guidance.
- Internationally recognised
All our HE courses are internationally recognised and are delivered in partnership with mainland universities (University of Plymouth, University of Sussex and London South Bank University). As a result of our partnerships, many of our courses have progression routes / pathways and ‘top up’ options that mean you can continue elements of your studies in the UK for that ‘off-island’ experience.
- Employability and Work Placements
Working with the Employability team at Highlands College and over 100 local businesses, charities and schools, UCJ offers an extended work-placement on every one of our degrees. These placements offer students the chance to make important connections between their academic learning and the real world of work, as well as developing soft and transferable skills, and a professional network. We work closely with employers to ensure the work-relevance of the curriculum and to guarantee our students meaningful work placement opportunities, leading to fulfilling employment. It is this unique process of work-based learning which ensures that our graduates have the skills and dispositions that employers seek; in 2019 – more than 90% of UCJ graduates were in graduate-level employment or post-graduate study within 3 months of completing their studies.
- Where you’ll be a name and not a number
We typically use classrooms as teaching spaces, which means you will enjoy a quality, and personalised learning experience with plenty of opportunities to ask questions, receive feedback, and become friends with your classmates. Your lecturers will get to know you, understand your needs, and provide the support you require to be successful in your studies.
We appreciate that for many students the transition from school to university, where you are required to study more independently, can be challenging. This can be equally difficult for students returning to study after a break in education. In recognition of this you are allocated a personal tutor, who is your first point of contact should you find yourself struggling with your course.
- Enrichment
We endeavour to enrich the student experience wherever we can through a variety of activities, starting with Freshers Week. Our students also participate in a range of off-island study trips (London and New York), they can also volunteer to support the Ghurka Welfare trust in places like Nepal, as well as having access to high-profile visiting speakers and professional development opportunities with the Chamber of Commerce and other industry bodies.
Whether it is down to the small classes, the excellent teaching staff, or the hard work of our students, academic achievement has outstripped the UK average for the last five years with the proportion of students gaining a first class or upper-second class degree consistently above 75%.
What if Covid-19 restrictions mean that I am unable to come on site?
If you have access to the internet, you will be able to access remote learning from wherever you are.
So, how can we help you?
Why not contact Highlands College and make an appointment to explore your options? Whatever you decide to do, our advice is impartial and free.
Contact info:
Please email: ucadmin@highlands.ac.uk or telephone: 01534 608608