Who is this course for?
Foundation Learning is a three-year course for students who require additional support with learning. Groups are small and learning is targeted at meeting individual needs within a group setting. We provide a wide range of exciting opportunities, both on and off site, designed to enable students to reach their full potential and equip them with the skills required for living and working independently.
What are the entry requirements for the course?
No formal qualifications required. Students should be able to move safely around a busy, open site, and work in small groups with their peers.
Entry will be through school transition arrangements.
How long is this course?
A three-year full-time course starting in September and ending in June.
What will I study on this course?
This course is for students who require additional support with learning. Experienced support staff work alongside tutors to provide a student-focused learning experience. Group sizes are small and students access the full range of college facilities including the professional kitchens, workshops and beauty rooms. Students study maths, English, ICT, and develop a variety of personal and social skills designed to increase independence and employability.
What Qualification will I gain?
Students work towards a LASER Certificate ranging from Entry 1 to Entry 3.
Will I go out on work experience?
We offer a range of work experience placements to suit individual needs and interests.
What does this course lead on to?
Students can progress to the Jersey Employment Trust, who provide support with job seeking and improving pre-employment skills. Some students are successful in securing part-time or full-time employment as a result of work experience or training opportunities. Students may also progress to other courses in the college, subject to individual course entry requirements.
How much will it cost?
There are no fees for this course.
How can I find out more?
Contact Helen O’Connell, Foundation Learning Coordinator, on 608581 or helen.oconnell@highlands.ac.uk.
Additional Information