Q81DPH111 : Digital Photography for Beginners

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Q81DPH111 : Digital Photography for Beginners

Course Details
For beginners only. Students will gain confidence in using their cameras in aperture and shutter priority mode. Students will explore the fundamentals of photography covering essential camera controls, light and composition as well as basic image editing. Students will need to bring along their own Digital SLR or Mirrorless camera and a laptop computer. £173

Course Code : Q81DPH111 Status : Space (Enrol Online)
Start date : Tuesday 17/09/2024 End Date : 26/11/2024
Times : 18:30:00 – 21:00:00 Duration : 10 week(s)
Tutor : Colin Cruickshank (Find more courses from tutor)
Location : Philip Mourant Centre Room : PM 9
Price : £173

If you are booking this course for yourself please Apply Online.

If you are booking on behalf of someone else please call 01534 608655


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