Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Acceptable Use Policy (Highlands College Students)

1. The rules contained in this document will apply to students when using IT services (computers, WiFi, etc) and facilities (software, networks, charging sockets, etc) in Highlands College even if the equipment that you are using is personal.

2. You shall not deliberately modify, damage or vandalise college ICT equipment. If you accidentally break anything, then you should inform a staff member immediately.

3. The use of personal ICT equipment is encouraged but is still governed by this policy and you should obey all the extra rules regarding the use of your equipment on-site.

4. You should always log-in using your own ID and password: You should never disclose your log-in details to anyone else. You are responsible for everything that is done using your login details and for all files that are held in your personal storage area. If you think that your account has been compromised, then you should inform a member of staff so that they can be changed.

5. You understand that your use of personal and Highlands College ICT devices will be monitored and may be recorded or logged. The results of this monitoring may be shared with other people if you breach any of the rules or if your actions are of a criminal nature.

6. You will not access any websites, services, files or other resources that are blocked or which you know you are not allowed to access.

7. You agree that the use of ICT in Highlands College will primarily be used for educational purposes.

8. You should never illegally download or upload copyright materials using college equipment. Downloading copyright materials (including music and video files) without paying the appropriate license fee is often a criminal act that will be treated as theft.

9. You accept that you will not try to view, send, upload, or download material that is unsuitable for viewing in Highlands College. If you accidentally see any unsuitable material then you should immediately close (but not delete, in the case of emails) the material and tell a member of staff.

10. You should never disclose personal details such as home address and telephone numbers to other people nor log any personal details on websites while using ICT in Highlands College. If you break this rule, then you understand that all the details disclosed can be recorded and that Highlands College will not be responsible for maintaining the security of those details. You should never pass-on the personal details of another person without that person’s permission.

11. Proper conduct must be always maintained while using ICT equipment. You agree not to harass, bully, insult or attack others via email or any other means. The use of strong language, swearing or aggressive behaviour is not acceptable.

Additional e-safety information for students

You have agreed to Highlands College Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for ICT equipment/facilities and to obey the rules that the AUP contains.

As well as the rules that you have agreed to there are also some extra guidelines that will help to keep you e-safe…

a) Be very cautious when replying to emails or messages from unknown senders.

b) Be very careful if you agree to meet somebody whom you have only known online: remember that online identities are very easy to fake and the person who you are planning to meet may not be who he/she claims to be. Always tell somebody where and when you have arranged a meeting and take a responsible friend with you.

c) Do not make hurtful comments about another person: cyber-bullying and online bullying will not be tolerated in Highlands College.

d) Remember that everything you do in online leaves a “digital footprint”. If you post a silly or potentially embarrassing photograph of yourself, or somebody else, online then that image may be copied, changed, and distributed without your control and for a long time into the future. It is frequently impossible completely to remove any material that has been uploaded to the Internet.

e) Be very careful about discussing any aspect of the Highlands College community on other websites as this may lead to accusations of inappropriate behaviour that could result in you being punished under the terms of this Acceptable Use Policy.

f) In the context of this Acceptable Use Policy, “unsuitable” material is any material that a staff member says is “unsuitable”. If you are not sure about whether a specific item (document, image, audio file, video clip, etc) is “unsuitable” or if another person has any doubts about whether material is “unsuitable” then you should not continue to access the material until you have been given permission to do so by a tutor.