Highlands Foundation

Welcome to the Highlands Foundation

The Highlands Foundation was established in 2019 and was created to support students on our full range of vocational, commercial, and higher education courses.

The Foundation plays a vital role in supporting our college community and provides opportunities for our students to enhance their experience here at Highlands College.



To be the principle philanthropic body in support of Highlands College current, prospective or past Students to enable and/or facilitate them to achieve their potential or supported objectives through donations, fundraising, events, sponsorships, partnerships and mentoring.



With the support of the Foundation, the college aims to meet the lifelong learning needs of the Island’s community. The funds we raise go towards:


  • Bursaries for students across our whole provision
  • Funding extra-curricular opportunities to enhance learning
  • Purchasing additional equipment to enhance student learning
  • Improving student facilities.


Each year Highlands College provides education for over 700 school leavers, 900 adults on part-time work-based learning including apprenticeships, 200 higher education students, 2000 adults on leisure courses and 600 students on professional development programmes. With the help of the Highlands Foundation, we endeavour to ensure that every one of these students has what they need to reach their full potential.

Soroptimist International Jersey STEM Bursaries for Girls

Soroptimist International Jersey is delighted to be the first organisation to offer bursaries through the new Highlands Foundation.

SI Jersey has been committed to making the Island a more equal place by educating and empowering women, and supplies a global voice for women with special consultative status at the UN.

Although the importance for businesses to diversify their workforce is gradually being accepted, the reality is that girls are still not believing a career in
a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) subject is for them. This fact has prompted many discussions in the Soroptimist world and our Club believed it is of such importance that we decided to do something about it.

Three bursaries of £1,500 are now on offer to girls who enter into one of six technical areas of study
in Highlands College Sixth Form: Automotive Studies; Building Services; Building Trades; Digital Games Development; Information Technology; and Mechanical Engineering and Welding. It is hoped that the bursaries will encourage more female students
to enter into fields that have historically been male dominated.

We very much look forward to continuing this partnership with Highlands College over the years to come.

~ Catherine Kirby,
President, Soroptimist International Jersey

MasonBreese logo in green.


Since 2018, MasonBreese has proudly sponsored University College Jersey (UCJ), actively collaborating to support students in various ways. We believe that we have a role in supporting education in our community by investing in talent in Jersey and supporting access to university education on Island. We offer employability support through interventions like work experience and interview technique guidance and support the UCJ graduation, attending annually each year.

We recognise outstanding learners at Highlands College Sixth Form by sponsoring the MasonBreese “Excellence in Business” award each year.

MasonBreese is honoured to sponsor the island’s leading provider of higher education, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration to support UCJ students in the upcoming academic year and beyond.

Gemma Ward

Chief Operating Officer, MasonBreese

GR8: Developing Home Talent and Meeting the Skill demands of the Future

GR8 Employment has been working with Highlands College since the incorporation of their business and is immensely proud of the association.

We are committed to training and supporting local talent, to be “job” ready and we believe that by working with Highlands College we can develop home talent to support our community.

The Highlands Foundation Program will provide an additional level of support to students to enhance their learning opportunities and to help them achieve their goals,

In addition to sponsoring events such as HEAT (a National cooking competition hosted by Highlands College) and having a supportive presence at career fairs and other Highlands events, GR8 is delighted to have made the first charitable donation to the Highlands Foundation.

We are delighted to be a Foundation Partner and we look forward to the Foundation’s GR8 success.

~ Lee Madden Managing Director, GR8

Is your business or organisation interested in supporting the next generation of Highlands students’ path to success?

There are plenty of opportunities for businesses to work with Highlands, Its Staff, and its students to do good for the community and the education of islanders such as:

  • Attending employment events run by Highlands College
  • Sponsoring departments (sponsoring individual courses equipment etc)
  • Delivering Masterclasses or Workshops to Students
  • Award sponsorships
  • Providing work-based learning to UCJ students
  • Providing work experience opportunities to 6th form Students
  • Recruitment Opportunities and access to the student job board

And much, much more.

Or email alexander.salmon@highlands.ac.uk to find out how we can work together!

Are you a Graduate of Highlands College or University College Jersey? If so, you belong to a large and prestigious network of individuals who have gone on to achieve great things.

We are excited to announce the launch of our new and improved ‘Highlands Connected’ network! We’re committed to helping you stay connected with your fellow graduates, advance your career, and continue to learn and grow.

By joining Highlands Connected, you’ll get access to a range of benefits, including:


  • Access to a programme of events
  • Networking events
  • Continuing education opportunities
  • Newsletter allowing you to keep up to date with opportunities and recent news and events.
  • Opportunities to support current students through work experience or Mentorship.
  • 10% off Hair and Beauty Academy bookings
  • 10% off standard room hire booking rates.


Plus, you’ll be able to stay connected with your fellow graduates and tap into the power of our large community.


[Button: Sign up now! https://forms.office.com/e/GWMMg1aWg5]

Highlands College Foundation Request Form

The survey will take approximately 6 minutes to complete. Please use this form to submit funding request to the Highlands College Foundation.

    Full Name:

    Student Number:

    Contact Telephone Number:

    Your Email Address:

    Course of Study & Department:

    Date of Request:>

    Amount of Funding Requested:

    Please give a detailed description of what the donation will be used to fund:

    Have you discussed your requirements with your department head or tutor?

    Please confirm if you are unable to provide the requested funding without the assistance of the foundation.
    Yes. I confirm that I cannot meet the funding requirements without assistance.No. I could possibly self fund or get assistance elsewhere.

    Please confirm the following:
    Not receiving the stated donation would impact on my ability to complete my course.There would be no impact on the completion of my course.Not Applicable

    Are you currently seeking funding elsewhere relating to this request?

    Are you aged 19 or over?

    If, you are under 19, you will need to seek your parent's consent to proceed with this application. Your Head of Department will be asked to contact your parent or guardian for approval. If there are any extenuating circumstances that the Foundation should be aware of, please note this below and discuss with your department head.

    Please add any additional information here that may be relevant in helping the committee make the decision to approve this funding request.

    Please enter the code you see in the box below:


    Le Catillon II Hoard Fund

    In September 2023, Highlands College Foundation were assigned to administer the funds from the sale of the Le Catillon II Coin hoard to Jersey’s Government in 2021. £250,000 of the £4.25 million purchase was allocated for the use of scientific and educational research into the hoard.

    These funds can now be applied for by staff, students, and alumni of Highlands College, as well as for research by any third party in Jersey or from overseas wishing to further investigate this historic discovery.

    To apply for a grant please click here

    For more information, please read through the Guide below or download the full PDF HERE


    The Highlands College Foundation (HCF) is a member of the Association of Jersey Charities (membership no. AJC519) and holds the Registered Charity Number: 280. The aim of the HCF is to secure and disburse funds, that may be restricted or unrestricted, for educational benefit – primarily serving the interests of Highlands College students.

    Jerseys’, Le Catillon II Hoard reveals a remarkable chapter in our island’s history.  As the world’s largest Celtic Coin discovery, discussions continue as to what might have led people to bury a hoard of some 70,000 coins and jewelry in Jersey 2,000 years ago. There are coins, gold neck torc’s and metal ingots from the Le Catillon II Hoard, as well as a rare leather purse which is the only known Iron Age example of its kind.

    The HCF has worked with Jersey Law Officers to amend the Constitution to enable the administration of Le Catillon II Hoard Fund (the Fund).

    It falls upon The HCF and all Trustees to promote, market, and advertise a wide-reaching campaign to encourage applications for grant funding.  In doing so, assigned Trustees will review applications against defined criteria and successful applications will receive a grant. The total available funds are £250,000.

    Eligibility Criteria

    The HCF will give due consideration to applications aligned to our amended Constitutional clause, being:

    ‘The promotion of scientific and educational research into the Le Catillon II Hoard, including research by staff, students and alumni of Highlands College and research by any third party, in Jersey or overseas.’

    The scientific and educational research is to have public benefit, there are no geographical restrictions and applicants must be over 18 years old holding a valid passport.

    Applicants may make one submission per Bid period (Qtr application bid submission period).  The HCF reserves the right to hold multiple Bid periods until the Fund is disbursed.

    Applications received from Entities will be subject to full due diligence.

    The HCF reserves the right to request further details throughout the bid process.

    Application Guidelines

    The HCF is anticipating a wide range of applications in terms of scientific and educational research requests that will vary in monetary value. Aligned applications seeking a grant from £500 to £50,000 will be considered. Activities, acts and expenses that are deemed unlawful, as stated in Jersey Law, will not be supported.

    All applications are to be made by noon (Greenwich Mean Time) on a specified date, via the form below.  In 2024, there is likely to be 3 Bid periods.


    Successful applications will be required to provide additional information this being, but not limited to:

    • 3 months Bank Statements
    • Proof of Address
    • Anti Money Laundering and other checks
    • Criminal Convictions check
    • For entity applications, 3 years Financial Statements
    • Driving Licence

    GDPR and Data Protection Notice

    By submitting an application to The HCF for receiving a grant from the Le Catillon II Coin Hoard fund you are giving consent under the General Data Protection Law (GDPL) to Highlands College Foundation and Highlands College for us to confidentially hold your personal data on our records. Your personal data will be used for processing / assessing your grant application and for sending you further information about The HCF events and activities. If your grant application is approved, the HCF will need to retain your personal data for three years after you have successfully completed the work for which your grant was awarded, after which period you may request we remove your personal data from our records.

    If your grant application was not approved at any time you may request we remove your personal data from our records which will include deleting your grant application information. HCF will not pass your personal data onto any other third party, except when legally required or for regulatory and insurance purposes.

    To request for your personal data to be deleted, please write to: foundation@highlands.ac.uk marking the subject ATT: Highlands College Foundation.

    Selection Process

    The Fund is available globally therefore the HCF anticipates high interest and a high quality of applications.

    Applications will be filtered via a traffic light system:

    • Red – rejected and data deleted.
    • Amber – held and data retained for further discussion or information ref the application; and
    • Green – Qualified 1st Phase.

    Application responses will be weighted based on completeness, alignment to the HCF Constitution objectives and the perceived public benefit. Specialists may be invited to support the Trustees in approving (or otherwise) applications.

    Based on the number and quality of the applications, the HCF may: refine the 2nd Phase selection criteria, revise the eligibility criteria or adjust any future Bid periods.

    All applications will require final approval by the HCF committee.

    Reporting and Monitoring

    Successful applicants will be required to provide a report within 12 months of having received the funds.  Details will be provided to applicants prior to accepting the grant.

    Terms and Conditions

    The HCF reserves the right to amend, adjust, alter or remove any terms at any time.

    Only one application per person or Entity will be accepted per Bid period.

    Successful Applicants will have to meet all criteria requested before disbursements of funds are actions. Funds may be disbursed in whole or part at the sole discretion of the HCF. Funds are only to be used for their intended purpose as stipulated in the application.

    Contact Information

    Contact in relation to the Fund is to be made to: foundation@highlands.ac.uk marking the subject ATT: Highlands College Foundation.

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